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The Selina Jones-Griffith Memorial Fellowship

The Selina Jones-Griffith Memorial Fellowship


Selina Gail Jones-Griffith, the daughter of Albert and Carridder "Rita" Jones, was a visual artist, a graduate of the University of California with a BFA degree, and a MFA degree in set design from the University of Southern California, Irvine.  Selina worked as an intern on "The Dolly Parton Show" and "The Fresh Prince of Bel Air," designing many sets for summer theatre companies throughout southern California. 
After her years in California, Selina moved to Pensacola, Florida with her husband, Sean Griffith, and daughter Alexandra.  Selina worked as a volunteer artist at The Blue Angel Elementary School in Pensacola, where her daughter attended school.  The last project she worked on before her untimely death, was making paper flowers with the children. She was a deserving recipient of the "2007 Volunteer of the Year" award from Blue Angel Elementary.  Selina passed away on April 17, 2007.
Women Who Write established the Selina Jones-Griffith Memorial Fellowship in 2008.  
Fellowship applications and formal guidelines will be available over the coming months and will be advertised on this site.  Writers will be required to provide samples of their work and a resume'.  A panel of three member judges from Women Who Write will review the applications/submissions, select and notify the recipient of the fellowship. 

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