Who Write offers members a safe, supportive environment in which to improve their skills. Guests may visit two meetings before
deciding if they wish to join. Membership dues are $50 and are due July 1. Benefits of membership include:
Regular monthly meetings that provide
an opportunity to meet, read and critique works in progress, share ideas and resources, and create new work
A free annual weekend writing retreat
that includes guest authors and speakers, as well as plenty of free time and a restful, quiet environment in which to write
A monthly newsletter filled with ideas,
writing news, resources, and events
Two annual nation-wide writing contests
The opportunity to be published in the
organization’s annual anthology, Calliope, or cookbook with stories.
Five copies of Calliope
workshops on writing topics
author lectures
in book readings
membership form (PDF)
For more information on becoming a member of Women
Who Write, please contact us at
Copyright © 2005-2011 Women Who Write